Animation tablet

Film & Animation

Film editing and animation skills can open up a whole new creative world. Whether it’s turning video shot on your smartphone into brilliantly edited footage or creating cool animations with the aim of landing a job in the creative sector, Wacom’s range of pen tablets, displays and computers can help you hone your craft.

Mastering basic video editing techniques is the best way to start. Learn about cutaways and montage and your work will get better fast. It’s also good to understand common mistakes, such as using inconsistent motion graphics and not ensuring sound quality is up to scratch.

For animators, deciding on which techniques to master is key. Specializing in 2D, 3D or stop motion animation will allow you to develop skills quickly, as well as help you choose which software and hardware to buy to help you pursue your newfound passion.

Basic video editing techniques

Mastering basic video editing techniques is the best way to start. Learn about cutaways and montage and your work will get better fast. It’s important to try a variety of techniques. This will help you discover favorite approaches that can become signature styles. Get to grips with these different techniques as you learn video editing and you’ll be creating impressive work in no time.

It’s also good to understand common mistakes, such as using inconsistent motion graphics and not ensuring sound quality is up to scratch. Learning to edit video takes time and practice. If you can recognize these basic mistakes before you start, then you’ve got a better chance of producing content that both looks and sounds polished and professional.

2D and 3D with tablets for animation

Learning how to animate is an amazing way to take your video-making skills in a new and interesting direction. For animators, deciding on which techniques to master is key. 2D animation is likely to be the first port of call for novice animators, with lots of software options which can be used with our animation tablets. 3D, computer generated animation is harder to grasp, as it requires mastering 3D modeling techniques. Specializing in 2D, 3D or stop motion animation will allow you to develop skills quickly, as well as help you choose which software and hardware to buy to help you pursue your newfound passion.

Learn more about film & animation

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Veja todas as famílias de produtos Wacom

Mesas digitalizadoras

Esboce, desenhe e edite imagens com um teclado sensível, uma caneta precisa e veja suas criações aparecerem na tela.

Monitores interativos

Desenhe, projete e crie diretamente em uma tela de alta resolução com uma caneta precisa.

Computadores com caneta

Crie qualquer coisa, em qualquer lugar, com um poder computacional aprimorado, uma caneta precisa e um monitor incrível.


Escreva com caneta no papel e converta para digitais suas notas manuscritas.


Escreva e anote ideias rapidamente em seu dispositivo móvel com uma caneta Wacom.

Sobre a Wacom

A visão da Wacom é aproximar as pessoas da tecnologia através de tecnologias de interface naturais. Isso a transformou na fabricante líder mundial em mesas digitalizadoras e monitores interativos, bem como em canetas digitais e soluções para guardar e processar assinaturas digitais. A tecnologia avançada dos dispositivos de entrada intuitiva da Wacom foi utilizada para criar alguns dos exemplos mais interessantes de arte digital, filmes, efeitos especiais, moda e designs do mundo inteiro e fornece aos usuários comerciais e domésticos sua tecnologia de interface líder para expressar sua personalidade. Fundada em 1983, a Wacom é uma empresa global com sede no Japão (Bolsa de Valores de Tóquio 6727) com filiais e escritórios afiliados em todo o mundo para apoiar o marketing e a distribuição em mais de 150 países. 

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